HUEDAA 2024 Reception

Spring Virtual Lecture
On April 21 at 7:00 pm ET, the Department of Economics and Howard University Economics Department Alumni Association (HUEDDA) hosted their annual spring Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honor Society Virtual Lecture and Recognition Program.
After attending the retirement luncheon of Dr. Cleveland Chandler and Dr. Huang, two Howard University Economics Professors, on March 10, 2001 at Bolling AFB, Washington, DC, graduates who attended the luncheon began to talk about how they can help the Department. On March 16, 2001 the first initial email was sent to all who attended the luncheon to get their feedback on “developing recommendations that we thought that the department could implement.” It was decided later that it was best to contact Dr. Ransford Palmer, Chairman of the Department, on how he would like for us to assist the Department, and on April 27, 2001, four alumni (Hazel Robinson, Sandra Cooke, Charles Thorpe, and Gwendolyn Flowers) met with Dr. Palmer prior to an ODE Dinner-Lecture. He gave us a list of 10 items he would like our assistance. At that point the Association was started and we organized ourselves to provide this support and more.
Howard University Economics Department Alumni Association (HUEDAA) was organized to provide advice and support to the faculty and students of the Economics Department at Howard University. HUEDAA goals are:
- To provide career development advice and outreach to the Department
- Identify potential employment and internship opportunities for students
- Improve access to economic data and information for faculty and students
- Assist the Department in fundraising efforts
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Additional Details
To provide advice and support to the faculty and students of the Economics Department at Howard University.
- Provide career development advice and outreach to the Department
- Identify potential employment and internship opportunities for students
- Improve access to economic data and information for faculty and students
- Provide input into curriculum development
- Assist the Department in fundraising efforts
Ms. Hazel Robinson, President
Dr. Charles Thorpe, Vice-President
Ms. Uloma Chiapko, Secretary
Ms. Patricia Lott-Smith, Treasurer
HUEDAA membership dues are $100 per calendar year. For payment, make check payable to HUEDAA and mail to
P.O. Box 23705
Washington, DC
A Snapshot Of HUEDAA Successes
- Ms. Hazel Robinson served as HUEDAA President for the first 4 years (2001-2005) of its existence and guided the organization through the very delicate and pitfall laden start up years. In order to maintain stability in the organization, she convinced all of her officers Dr. Charles Thorpe, Vice-President, Dr. Sandra Cooke-Hull, Secretary and Ms. Patricia Smith, Treasurer, to serve consecutive terms (four years).
- The organization has held steady in its core membership of 10-15 persons in the Washington, DC area with an outreach of over 100 Economics Graduates via email.
- HUEDAA awarded the first Graduate Travel Awards to then Ph.D. candidate Mr. Ubaldus Raymond and M.A. candidate Mr. Nicholas Hill on Dec 11, 2001 and have contributed over $2,000 in travel stipends to help graduate students attend the annual American Economic Association conference.
- Supported the Chairman's Prize first awarded to then Ph.D. candidate Mr. Peng Yu in 2001 and have contributed nearly $500 to the prize
- Hosted Dr. Dan Crippen, Director of the Congressional Budget Office, in a guest speaker series on February 13, 2002
- Hosted an Economic and Public Policy Jobs and Career Opportunities seminar in March 2002
- Produced a series of four HUEDAA newsletters starting in spring 2002
- Established the Distinguished Alumni Award for HU Economics Graduates-the first recipient was Dr. Debby Lindsey-Taliefero; second recipient, Mr. Joseph Hawkins; third recipient, LTC Hazel Robinson; and fourth recipient, Dr. Everson Hull
- Actively engaged in searching for a new chairman of the Department of Economics when required. Hosted a "Welcome to Howard University" Reception for then chairman, Dr. William Spriggs
- Endowed one scholarship fund--the Dr. Joseph R. Houchins Memorial Scholarship fund and helped support the endowment of the Dr. Jean Louis DuCarmel Bocage Memorial Loan Fund; Have contributed over $20,000 in support to both scholarships/loan funds
- Established the annual HUEDAA Senior Recognition Award in 2003, that was later renamed the Dr. Vincent R. McDonald Senior Recognition Award
- Established a strong working relationship in supporting the annual Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE) Economics Honor Society induction and dinner-lecture
- Established the annual joint HUEDAA & Department of Economics Graduation Reception
- Established the biannual distribution of student care packages and have given out hundreds of care packages to students studying for the senior comprehensives and final examinations
- Inspired the creation of the Howard University College of Arts & Sciences Alumni Alliance
- Sponsored career day events at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Federal Aviation Administration, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund
- Helped students get summer internships and permanent employment
- Supported three students to attend the 2012 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference in Boston, MA. The group subsequently entered their business plan in the Univ. of Colorado Sports Business Plan competition and won the second place prize of $10,000.
- Supported the HU Katrina Relief Effort, Alternative Spring Break, Wheatley Scholarship Fund, COAS Disaster Relief Fund, Haiti Relief Fund and Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
- Worked closely with HU Econ student organizations & supported their activities, including ODE Honor Society, Abram Harris Society (undergraduates) & Graduate Econ Students Association
- Provided invaluable input to the Department of Economics in responding to the university-wide P-CAR assessment; The Economics Department received an above average rating.
Founding Members
Ms. Hazel Robinson
Dr. Sandra Cooke
Dr. Gwendolyn Flowers
Dr. Charles Thorpe
Dr. Gwenell Waters-Bass
Dr. Constance Hamilton
Dr. Jo-Ann Rolle
Dr. Yusef Ahmad
Ms. Doris Newton
Ms. Patricia Lott-Smith
Ms. Susanne Johnson
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