AEASP 2023 Scholar Anthony Montano
My name is Anthony Montano. I'm currently a senior studying Economics and Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with an expected graduation in Spring 2024. Coming into the AEA Summer Program, I'm hoping to further expand my knowledge and ability to critically analyze problems that graduate training in Economics addresses. I find a lot of my interests based in the quantitative realm when it comes to data collection, cleaning, analysis, and visualization. My hope is to further progress throughout this program so that my eventual graduate research can be hopefully used to assist disadvantaged groups that are often overlooked when considering the heterogeneity that underpins aggregated averages. When I'm not sporadically reading academic articles or blogs pertaining to issues in the social sciences I care about, I'm often spending time honing my cooking skills, analyzing random datasets I find online, listening to music/podcasts, or playing video games with friends on my PC.