AEASP 2024 Scholar Edgar Aguirre

Edgar Aguirre is a first-generation college student from the Bronx, NY, who is interested in using economic theory, data, and law to influence policies that create opportunities for underrepresented communities. He graduated from Carleton College with a BA in Economics and is currently finishing a second bachelor's degree in mathematics at CUNY Hunter College.
He hopes to pursue a J.D. and a Ph.D. in Economics, focusing on understanding the economic and legal barriers that limit policy development, while concentrating on his areas of research interest in Inequality, Public Economics, and Labor Economics. He previously interned at the White House's Infrastructure Implementation Team, Policy Integrity at NYU Law School, and other policy-related experiences. He is currently the youngest voting member for his local NYC community board and is assisting in research to understand the effect of Health Care Shortage Areas on health outcomes.