AEASP 2024 Scholar Julianna Kinser

Julianna Kinser

Julianna Kinser, a senior at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, is pursuing dual majors in Economics and Pure Mathematics alongside a minor in Arabic. In addition to her academic pursuits, she dedicates herself to assisting fellow students as a microeconomics tutor and through peer academic coaching and mentoring initiatives. As an intern at the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce, Julianna bridges the gap between academia, local government, and the business world by contributing to a survey on workforce well-being in the St. Pete area. With a particular interest in personal finance and household economics, she harbors ambitions of attaining a Ph.D. in Economics and ultimately aims to become a professor. Her goal is to utilize economic research and education to empower college students to work towards a prosperous financial future. Outside the classroom, she enjoys chips and queso, Delta Sigma Pi events, and painting her nails. 
