AEASP 2022 Seminar Speakers
Howard Alumni Roundtable
Seminar held on June 1, 2021
Makada Henry-Nickie†, Ph.D., Robert and Virginia Hartley Fellow in Governance Studies, Brookings Institution
Chantal Smith†, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics, Washington & Lee University
Noimot Bakare Ayoub†‡, Ph.D., Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Dr. Sebastian Tello-Trillo
Seminar held on June 8, 2022
Sebastian Tello-Trillo‡, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Economics, University of Virginia

Dr. Trevon Logan
Seminar held on June 15, 2022
Trevon Logan, Ph.D., Hazel C. Youngberg Trustees Distinguished Professor of Economics and Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences, The Ohio State University

NABE Roundtable
Seminar held on June 16, 2022
LaVaughn M. Henry‡, Ph.D., Special Assistant to the Director of Risk Management Supervision and Policy, FDIC
Elaine Buckberg, Ph.D., Chief Economist, General Motors
Ellen Hughes-Cromwick, Ph.D., Senior Resident Fellow, ThirdWay
David Altig, Ph.D., Executive Vice President and Sr. Vice President of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Wilko Schulz-Mahlendorf, Ph.D., Director of Pricing, Economics, & Data Science, Wayfair
Mark Palim, Ph.D., Deputy Chief Economist and Vice President, Fannie Mae
Will Ambrosini, Ph.D., Director, Economics & Growth, Amazon

Dr. Martha Gimbel
Seminar held on June 22, 2022
Martha Gimbel, Ph.D., Senior Advisor, Council of Economic Advisers

Dr. Darrell J. Gaskin
Seminar held on July 6, 2022
Dr. Darrell J. Gaskin, Ph.D., Professor in Health Policy and Director of the Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Dr. Christopher Carpenter
Seminar held on July 11, 2022
Dr. Christopher (Kitt) Carpenter, Ph.D., E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Economics, Vanderbilt University, Research Associate, NBER, and Research Fellow, IZA Institute of Labor Economics

Dr. Kate Bahn
Seminar held on July 13, 2022
Dr. Kate Bahn, Director of Labor Market Policy and Chief Economist, Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Dr. Cecilia A.Conrad
Seminar held on July 20, 2022
Dr. Cecilia A.Conrad, Ph.D., Founder and CEO, Lever for Change

† Ph.D. in Economics from Howard University
‡ American Economic Association Summer Program Alumni